Beetroot salad with ricotta

by Ursula


4 beetroot (washed and peeled)
6 tbls olive oil
3 tbls balsamic vinegar
100 g ricotta
rasp of 1/2 orange
125 mixed lettuce

Extra: 4 piece of aluminium foil


Pre -heat the oven to 200˚C. Mix 5 tbls olive oil and 3 tbls balsamic vinegar. Add some pepper and salt to taste. Place the beetroot on a square of aluminium foil. Cross cut the top of the beetroot and sprinkle with the dressing. Wrap the beetroot in the aluminium foil. Repeat with the rest of the beetroot. Put the beetroot in the oven and roast for approximately an hour.

Remove the foil and leave the beetroot to cool. Mix the orange rasp with the ricotta, add 1 tbls olive oil and pepper and salt to taste.

Put some salad on a plate , put one beetroot on top. Serve with the ricotta mixture and sprinkle some olive oil and balsamic vinegar on top.

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